Module for Network Funding
The module supports network building within the fields of art and culture in the Nordic region.
Offers possibilities for operators from various fields to co-operate, to develop partnerships and to learn from each other.
Short-term network funding:
- funding for activities lasting up to 1 year
- the maximum amount is € 25 000 to cover a maximum of 70 % of the total expenses
- the network itself must cover the remaining 30 % of the budget and specify in the application how this will be done
- a network may obtain additional funding for one more year of activities with a well motivated application
- a well functioning network may after a period with short-term funding consider to apply to the module supporting long-term network activities.
Next application deadline
Long-term network funding:
- funding for activities lasting up to three years
- The maximum amount is € 150 000 to cover a maximum of 50% of the total expenses
- the network is obliged to arrange the rest of the financing and specify this in the application (see comment in short term)
Next application deadline
Assessment criteria for short-term network funding
- the network has clear objectives and a limited duration
- the network creates new interfaces within its own field and reaches out to others
- the network is formed in order to plan artistic initiatives and to establish various processes and partnerships
Assessment criteria for long-term network funding
- the network has clearly defined objectives
- the network has innovative ideas and initiatives
- the network is transparent and communicative
- the network spreads information about the network, its work and results
Who can apply?
- art and culture institutions, organisations and practitioners in the Nordic countries working at all levels and across all borders
- new networks and partnerships with cultural diversity working in several different artistic and cultural fields will be prioritised
- the network should consist of partners from at least three Nordic countries or autonomous areas
- exceptions from the principle of three Nordic countries can be made when there are obvious culture political reasons
- the network can include partners outside the Nordic region
Apply via the electronic application form